Breast Reduction

All-Inclusive Treatment Package Options

Breast Reduction
15400 € %35 Discount %14
İstanbul, Turkey

Services Included In The Price

We have prepared special packages where health and esthetics meet.

You will find what makes you happy in these packages customized and prepared according to needs and comfort!

3 Nights in 5 star hotel
Free medical consultation
Free VIP Transfer
Free Accommodation for your companion
Translator and Healthcare Assistant

Pay 10% with your credit card, fix the price. If you pay the full price for early payments, you can get a 10% discount.

Bahçelievler Medicalpark

Istanbul / Turkey
Hair Transplant from € 1,499
Konaklama + Uçak + Şehir Turu


Medical Park Hospital, which has been serving in Bahçelievler district of Istanbul since 2007, continues its activities as a university hospital in cooperation with Altınbaş University.

Altınbaş University Hospital Medical Park Bahçelievler offers privileged health services for everyone with its experienced physician staff, multidisciplinary diagnosis and treatment approach, innovative medical technologies, patient-oriented service approach, advanced diagnosis and treatment methods.

Altınbaş University Hospital Medical Park Bahçelievler; It is a fully-fledged hospital in the center of the European side of Istanbul, 5 minutes away from Ataturk Airport by car, serving domestic and international patients at international standards.

The comfort of the guests is prioritized in Altınbaş University Hospital Medical Park Bahçelievler, which offers personalized health services with 360 degrees of health service. For this purpose, 5-star hotel comfort is offered in rooms designed for different needs. Internet, parking lot, ATM, place of worship are among the services that patients and their relatives can easily access. There is also a cafe / restaurant in Altınbaş University Hospital Medical Park Bahçelievler that will welcome its guests with its friendly service and delicious menu.

Breast Reduction

Breast reduction - For an easier life 

A large bust is considered an ideal of beauty and an expression of femininity. However, if the breasts are too large, they can become a burden: Neck or back pain, poor posture, skin irritations or excessive perspiration can be the physical consequences, which medically justifies a burst reduction. However, women's psyche can also suffer, resulting in lower self-confidence. Breast reduction helps women with excessively large or sagging breasts feel comfortable again, regain self-confidence and feel more feminine. 

Before the surgery

The preparation for breast reduction includes a detailed consultation, during which you will be able to familiarize yourself with the team of doctors treating you, and you will be shown the procedure of the operation, the technique used, as well as possible risks. In addition, the materials used for the operation and the costs will be discussed with you. Of course, you will have the opportunity to ask any questions you may have. After the consultation, you will be given enough time to think about it so that you can process all the information you have received. 

Further preparation includes a preliminary medical examination to determine the patient's physical condition, to rule out any allergies, to select the right anesthetic and to determine whether the patient is in the physical condition to undergo surgery. 

After the surgery 

Immediately after surgery, the breast will initially be sore and swollen. Drains will be removed the day after surgery. After a few days, the bandage will be replaced with a special bra, which is designed to maintain the shape of the breast and help the scar heal. It is recommended that you do not sleep on your stomach for the first few weeks, but rather in a supine position, and that you do as little physical exertion as possible. You can return to your profession after two to four weeks. The final result of the breast reduction can usually be assessed after six months.

HILTON İstanbul, Turkey İstanbul

While staying in 5 star hotel, our guests can contact loved ones with free wifi. Dine in the world cuisine restaurants or enjoy the spa for relaxing.

Is hair transplantation a painful procedure?

It varies according to the anesthesia technique used. Especially with the pressurized local anesthesia device, which has been widely used recently, the pain experienced is minimized. If anesthesia will be performed with the sedation technique, the patient will not feel any pain.

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